Superpower Mastermind

1 on 1 Coaching

Speak and Transform

The Superpower Mastermind is our signature group coaching program. Surround yourself with a loving and empowering community. Work through 6 modules and 20 weeks of transformation, reprogramming your mind, building Self-Love, & Superpowered Confidence.

Take your transformation, success, healing, and life to the true level of peace and freedom. Unlearning old sub-conscious and unconscious programming so that you can step into your true authentic self. Say goodbye to your limitations and fears. Click below to book a brainstorm with one of our coaching specialists to see if you qualify.

Whether you're speaking to 1 or 1000 your voice matters and your ability to impact people's lives does too. This 32 day Speaking program incorporates personal development with tools, techniques, and coaching to give you the confidence to speak and transform your audience. Surround yourself with a like-minded community and transform your life today!

Superpower Mastermind

The Superpower Mastermind is our signature group coaching program. Surround yourself with a loving and empowering community. Enjoy 6 modules and 20 weeks of transformation, inner healing, and the best motivation from Luke himself as he coaches you to love yourself and discover your truth.

1 on 1 Coaching

Take your transformation, success, healing, and life to the true level of peace and freedom. Unlearning old sub-conscious and unconscious programming so that you can step into your true authentic self. Say goodbye to your limitations and fears. Click below to book a brainstorm with one of our coaching specialists to see if you qualify.

Speak and Transform

Whether you're speaking to 1 or 1000 your voice matters and your ability to impact people's lives does too. This 31-day program incorporates personal development with tools, techniques, and coaching to give you the confidence to speak and transform your audience.

BENEFITS DISCLAIMER: When addressing the potential outcomes and benefits within any of our websites, videos, newsletters, programs, or other content from, we’ve taken every effort to ensure that we accurately represent our programs and their ability to positively impact your life. However, L M P ENTERPRISES LIFESTYLE COACHING - FZE does not guarantee that you will experience results in any given timeframe or that your physical, mental, psychological, or emotional well-being will be immediately or drastically improved. L M P ENTERPRISES LIFESTYLE COACHING - FZE does not claim to diagnose or treat any specific conditions. It is our belief that all of our ideas, tools, strategies, or recommendations have been shown to have an effect on the majority of people who have successfully engaged with our content; however, nothing on our site is a guarantee to you of any particular impact or effect. L M P ENTERPRISES LIFESTYLE COACHING - FZE approach is intended for educational purposes only. We of course want the best results for you and the Information provided by this website or this company is not a substitute for individual medical advice. Click here for the Terms of Service